My name, Sundes, means "silk from heaven" in Arabic so perhaps I've been sartorially inclined since birth. I am 18 years old, studying at the best college in the world (Bryn Mawr! Bryn Mawr! Bryn Mawr!). One of the many wonderful things about Bryn Mawr is its proximity to Philadelphia. So far, I don't like Philly as much as I do NYC or Boston, but South Street is pretty fantastic.
In fact, I was just there today, and I bought what is perhaps my most daring accessory ever...

For the most part my style has been prim and ladylike but I have tried to move away from that and try trendier, edgier things. You're only young once, after all. I've craved a pair for ages, but unfortunately most people automatically think of prostitutes when they hear "thigh high boots."
It certainly didn't help matters much that when I started browsing for them on the internet, I was frequently directed to websites that embraced the trashier, more erotic aspect. My wise sister suggested going for flat suede boots to minimize the seedy factor.
Well, today I was at this huge shoe store in South Street that also managed to be incredibly cramped (sorry I forgot the name). Despite the at-times overwhelming hustle and bustle of the place, I found a plethora of over-the-knee options. features a variety of flat suede boots, similar to what I encountered at the store. While this type of style may look great on a waif like Sienna Miller, I simply couldn't pull it off. Being a short person, I looked really dumb in these boots. It might have also been that I picked out an incredibly pointy-toed pair, but seriously, I felt like an elf. A very naughty elf.
Since I'm a poor college student, I obviously couldn't afford these gorgeous Michael Kors suede boots (at, but I found a pretty similar pair by Pierre Dumas. The biggest difference is that mine are sort of pre-folded over at the top. I decided that I do need a bit of a heel, and while I am a sucker for pointy-toed shoes, the rounded heel is a nice change.

Once I got back from my little shopping trip, I immediately pulled out a bunch of short dresses and tights to try the boots with. Right now I've paired the boots with a short yellow sweater dress, black tights, and a black sweater (plus my gold owl necklace yay Bryn Mawr!). I only have one pair of semi-skinny jeans, so I tried the boots with that as well.
I think it's really easy to avoid being whoreish in them. Just stay away from bare legs and leather--stick to suede and opaque tights or jeans. I am in love with these boots and hopefully once I get a camera I can post some ways I've tried to make them work.
Speaking of "making it work," I MISS PROJECT RUNWAY. The worst thing about college is that I've barely watched any TV here. This wouldn't be such a bad thing, with the writer's strike going on and most of my old favorite shows apparently sucking hard (I've been hearing things, Heroes), but...PROJECT RUNWAY! Only two weeks left in the semester, though, and then I can be home for a month and watch TV and go shopping instead of attend class.
And in person, they're even more impressive. I, being her roommate, can attest. They are however quite noisy, but in the confidant "I'm going to say something as alluring as the clanking of my boots" sort of way.
yay you posted! HEY! by sister do you mean me? cause i suggested the suede boots. unless husna told you before.
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