Today was sunny, so I got to actually wear something I liked. Wardrobe Remix wouldn't accept it because it wasn't a complete head to toe photo. I really need to learn how to prop my camera so I can get a full shot. I have just been placing it on top of the microwave and using the self-timer. Maybe I'll get a tripod one day.
top: h&m
cardigan: h&m
jeans: american eagle
hat: ebay
blazer: nordstrom
My hat reminds me of my favorite site, Ebay. Now that I am in college I have bidding on everything! But lately I've been trying to learn some self-restraint. I'm always jealous of the amazing clothes I see on fashion bloggers that are from thrift stores because I don't have any near me. But with Ebay I can find cute vintage clothing. Although I must admit, I am generally reluctant to tell people about items I buy from Ebay. People usually think the idea of wearing pre-loved clothing is gross. Oh well, their loss I suppose. I am very excited about my most recent win. I told myself I wouldn't post this until I received them because if they don't fit I'll be pretty disappointed. But I am too happy to care!
OMG girl those are beautiful! Can't wait to see them in person.
I like your hat! and ebay is kinda kick ass. my dad has a pair of oxfords from way back when but he has monstrously large feet, and i don't think i could pull it off anyway.
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